
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

You're In My Seat

Humans are creatures of habit. Most people have routines they follow or schedules they adhere to.  When something goes awry in that pattern, a small piece of us panics.

For instance, you go to class, and you sit in the same seat every day. Then one day, something's different. There is something foreign in your territory. Someone is sitting in your seat. Oh, no. You will not have this. 

But really, there is nothing you can do. Your spot is no longer yours. The early bird caught your worm, so to speak. There is an imbalance in your universe, and you're forced to accept it. 

You don't want to be the person who says "Uh, excuse me, *garble garble*, you're in my seat." You can just imagine the face you'd be given. The battle was over before it begun. 

UNTIL, the invader leaves! He is gone! It turns out he was only printing something before class. I got my seat back. 


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