
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Don't Forget the Tissues

Alright. I have a confession to make. I'm a crier. It's not really a secret, I suppose, because if you've ever watched anything with me, you'd know.

The other day, I tortured myself by watching the 3rd season finale of LOST with friends.  It's heart-wrenching. One of my favorite characters (I WON'T TELL YOU WHO) dies a heroic death, but first he writes a list of his favorite memories. I would gush about it more, but that would totally give it away (if the picture below doesn't).

I loved this character. I was invested. And I started weeping three episodes before his demise. My friend next to me wasn't quite sure how to react. My short "don't look at me!" probably didn't help. 

Sorry about that. 

While Charlie dying--CRAP I said it--was hard, the film 50/50 was agony. The movie itself was phenomenal, but I was shaking with tears. I knew it would happen, too. Did I bring tissues? NO. And it was the face-distorting, lip-quivering kind of cry that you can't suppress; the kind where noise seeps out of you when you exhale and you have absolutely no control. Then my boyfriend held my hand to console me. Valiant effort, but sweet gestures only worsen the condition.  I'm sure I looked lovely when we left the theater. 

Luckily, I watched UP in the privacy of my own home. Goodness, Carl, you broke my heart. 


  1. I almost died when Charlie died, he was my fav character...most because the actor who played him was Merry in Lord of the Rings but still :( (this is katie from high school btw)

  2. DionWestford AKA FrenchyNovember 30, 2011 at 4:51 PM

    Awww, you're a crier? We can cry together. <3

  3. Ugh, yes. I'm not a pretty crier either, because I try to hold it in, and then I get that lump in my throat and then it hurts, and my face contorts. I would cry with you, French.

  4. reading this has made me realize how much i miss Lost in LOST....and how much I miss Charlie
