
Thursday, November 3, 2011

I am The Mumblr

Hey there! Welcome to my blog. I've never done this before. Blogging, that is. My idea is to write about weird, funny and uncomfortable human interactions I witness during the day. This blog is dedicated to the little mistakes we all make. Like saying "good" in response to "what's up?" Or going in for an unreciprocated high-five like Gob Bluth in Arrested Development.

It's called The Mumblr because sometimes I attempt to say "hello" to someone or "thank you" and no sound really comes out. I'm sure my mouth is open, but nothing really happens. You know what I mean.

Feel free to comment and tell me (and the interweb) your Mumblr moments! I'm looking forward to it.


  1. My worst offense with this kind of stuff is saying "no problem" to pretty much everything. It came from answering the phone at work all the time and seems to have taken over my mouth anytime someone says something as the conversation. Like at the bank, when the teller told me she hoped I had a good afternoon and I responded "no problem".

  2. Hahaha I say "no problem" to a lot of things. I don't think I've ever used it in that way though. Good work.
