
Saturday, November 12, 2011


When I forget a word, I'm usually able to say "it starts with a [letter]" and be somewhat accurate (the letter is at least in the word). There are other times I forget completely, and try to back-track to figure out what my thought was, but by then it's lost and gone forever. These moments are frustrating, but I don't hold a grudge against my brain or anything. It tries its best.

During Wednesday's presidential debate, Texas Governor Rick Perry's brain just gave up. While attempting to list government agencies he'd get rid of if he became president, Perry couldn't remember the third. One of the moderators tried to move on, but John Harwood wasn't going to let this one slide. Take a peek if you can stomach the discomfort and sweaty palms.

Alright, shake it off. I know that was hard to watch. I've watched it so many times.  Now, I'm not a fan of Perry, but the human part of me was hoping a cane would come from off screen and pull him off stage by the neck.

It would have been a relief. It's bad enough when you just can't remember. But forgetting when the world is watching is just awful. Is there anyone out there who didn't cringe?

Jon Stewart really went at it on the Daily Show this week. It's really something you have to watch for yourself. Stewart won't let him forget it.

"This debate will be forever remembered for one thing and one thing only, and Rick Perry can't remember what it is," Stephen Colbert said on his show that same night.  "I was worried there until he stuck the landing with 'sorry, oops.'"

There is another debate tonight (Nov. 12). Let's hope someone has that cane ready.

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